Dieter Rams on Product Logos | Richings Greetham Journal
Dieter Rams on Product Logos 1
Dieter Rams on Product Logos 1

Dieter Rams on Product Logos
Piers – RG Founder

This article was shared with us recently by one of our Instagram followers. We were thrilled to see that our approach to branding and logos is similar to that of one of our design heroes!

There are many facets to Dieter Rams’ approach to design, and they’re not limited to the form and function of an object. His principles of simplicity and unobtrusiveness extend to graphic design and corporate identity as well. Here’s a great story that Dieter tells about logos on products:

‘I didn’t want the Braun logo on the front of the TP 1. It was on the back at a small size – that was sufficient. But it was a constant battle which I eventually lost with the last CEO I worked with at Braun, because he wanted the logo to be larger all the time. If you’re new someplace and have to introduce yourself, you say, ‘I’m so-and-so’ – but you don’t shout it. You should do it quietly. Just imagine, if you have many products and they all shouted out loud, ‘I am Braun!’ That would irritate people.’

Here at RG,  our branding rule is simple for all products – The RG roundel logo is embossed on the front, bottom right and the Richings Greetham script is discretely embossed inside.

Product Logo